Angle Recruiting to hire outstanding sales people
Posted on Friday, September 18th, 2015

“I wake up every day to help people discover their sense of purpose and turn it into action, so that they can inspire others to do the same”
A few years ago, I started investigating my own sense of purpose to come to the realisation that what gave me pleasure was helping people take advantage of their own strengths.
On the opposite side, what gave me pain was seeing people wasting their time doing things that were not in their nature.
While looking for a framework able to help me find the right direction in life and career, I ended up discovering a lot more: the Angle Recruiting Framework.
Observing hundreds of people and talking to them about career, their level of happiness and fulfillment and alignment with what they were doing in their current role, I have come to realize that both businesses as well as candidates are on a journey.
Organizations come from a past, have a present status and in the future will mature and operate to achieve milestones and targets.
Individuals are in continuous evolution and they are indeed following their own journey. They come from a past that gave them beliefs and a reference framework, they live in a present and, in the future, they will likely be doing something different following their aspirations.
This is an aspect that should be addressed as early as in the junior high school, but globally only few countries do this effectively.
The Angle Recruiting framework helps addressing the misalignment between companies’ needs and employees’ needs.
The Framework helps candidates as well as employers to understand what journey they are following and whether there may be mutual contribution to each other’s goals.
Angle Recruiting wants to put science in the hiring process and prevent those situations in which the gut feeling and the mutual respect between hiring manager and candidate prevent the discovery of the real expectations that both parties have when starting the working relationship.
I have always had one basic assumption about the interview process: it really is a sales engagement between 2 counterparts: employer and employee. The employer wants to sell the role to the employee. The employee wants to sell himself to the employer. This is true in general and even more critical if we want to attract passive candidates.
As in every sales situation, there are three basic components:
- Client’s needs;
- A product or service with features;
- A match between product capabilities and needs at a certain price;
In the framework, the company timeline is drawn first, and then we draw a second timeline for the candidate.
Both lines start from the date when the interview is run and diverge. The smaller the angle the more company and individual are aligned and the hiring decision should achieve a long and sustainable working relationship.
The Angle Recruiting methodology has 5 steps:
- Define the company Journey
- Identify the candidate Present
- Discover the candidate Vision
- Agree on the candidate Plan
- Define the Angle Match
Step 1: Let’s focus on the employer first. It should be pretty straightforward for the employer to know the key features of “the product”. For an employer the product is the role that he has created to add value to the company that he has built or that he represents.
A good analysis of the true brand of the organization would be appropriate and there are many methodologies allowing you to identify your company strengths as an employer.
For what concerns the client’s needs, there should always be a reverse engineering way of tracking the profile of the best candidate for your organization. Make sure you focus on the role that you are recruiting for and make sure you understand how this role will add value to the overall organizational strategy as well as value generated to the hiring manager. The way in which the company will be able to support the candidate is a formula with the following components: training, coaching, salary, network, experience and responsibility.
Step 2: A major issue happens when we start focusing on the employee: very few individuals have a clear idea of their true skills and potential. Even worse, the majority has very limited awareness of what they want to accomplish in life.
In step 2 we analyse the most important skills and 4 major traits: Sense of Purpose, Clock Speed, Competitiveness and Curiosity.
Step 3: The employer helps the candidate reflect on alternative scenarios and identify what direction he/she wants to take. Through an in depth analysis of the candidate motivations and a series of exercises, the employer discover the journey of the candidate.
Step 4: The employer helps the candidate to write a personal plan to achieve his targets and identify how the employer can contribute to the candidate’s plan;
Step 5: The employer takes the candidate through a “Angle matching” exercise in which eventual doubts are cleared. Depending on the width of the angle between employer’s journey and employee’s journey, the hiring decision is made.
Over the years the Angle Recruiting Framework has evolved providing an interview methodology as well as becoming the supporting pillar of Fellettis proprietary methodology.
Many sales managers forget that people they interview have a life that will always take precedence over business priorities.
Nowadays work choices are almost infinite and great candidates are more and more aware that there are endless possibilities for them.
Only organizations able to differentiate and prove to be able to impact on a deep level their employee’s personal journey, will be able to consistently attract the best people and take the lead in the quest for Talent.
Contact Us to pre-order Fulvio’s new book on the Angle Recruiting Methodology – how to hire the right people for your sales organization.
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