
About Us

Fellettis Sales Training and Consulting

We have developed proprietary methodologies and a partner ecosystem that gives sales managers the right knowledge, skills and attitude to lead their teams to success. Sales, they say, makes our world go round. Our specialized, high impact trainings are designed to do precisely that — faster, better and with more impact than ever before.


Attracting and Hiring Talent

We have distilled the experience from hundreds of hours of interviews into our proprietary Angle Recruitment Methodology that impacts clients on multiple levels: It helps them to hire the right people for their sales teams, it improves the brand of their organisation and set the basis for stellar sales performance.

Retaining Talent

We help our clients to minimise employees’ attrition and make sure their top talent remains  engaged and successful inspiring others to do the same. We focus our effort on making sure that managers provide the most effective on boarding experience, build inspiring individual development plans and create a game changing coaching culture.

Achieve Top Performance

Through our proprietary sales methodologies  and the partnership with ValueSelling Associate, we are able to provide bespoke and high impact sales and sales leadership trainings to boost your sales team performance.


Strategic Workshops

Highly customised training sessions aimed at creating the highest impact during a one day engagement.

Sales Advisory

This is a license based service entitling the seat holder to have access to Toolkits, insights, one on one consultations and documents reviews on the following topics: leadership, sales methodology, performance management, sales operations, sales culture and sales recruitment.

Tailored Sales Solution

We leverage our 5 steps delivery methodology to tailor a high impact solution that gets your sales performance where you want it to be.

What to expect: we analyse your sales line of business, develop and deliver bespoke workshops to tackle the identified improvement areas and we shadow your management team until the changes introduced and eventual necessary adjustments get the expected results.

Read more about it Fellettis 5 steps delivery




Here at Fellettis we’re enormously proud of the on-going impact we’re making with out clients. These impacts spread across many areas, of course, but particularly in making sales people so much more purposeful, productive and outstandingly successful from a results point of view. It flows directly to the bottom line of our clients. But our impact flows in other ways too… Specifically, thanks to our Lifetime Partnership with B1G1: Business for Good, we’re able to create massive impact on people we’ll most likely never even meet. You see, every time we do business together, something great happens. It could be a child getting access to pure, life-saving water. It could be focussing on microloans for women in India. It could be protecting the Orang Utan eco-system in Borneo.



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Lesson from Rowing that will help you achieve sales success in this year-end

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Flipping the script

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The First 30 Days of a Sales Manager: Identify the Status Quo

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