
How to effectively lead your sales team – part 2

Posted on Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

As shared in part 1 of this article, we advocate using the PRIDE framework to achieve performance and success in sales. Three important aspects of inspiring, developing and shaping the environment are respectively, leading by example, coaching your team and setting right metrics.

business, people and team work concept - close up of creative team sitting at table and pointing finger to blank paper in office

The Importance of Leading by Example

Leading by example does not mean selling more to show up your team. It means being the person everyone look up to and demonstrating the traits and behaviors you want to see in them. Believe in what you’re selling, show loyalty to your team and company. These are traits that contribute strongly to success in sales. By demonstrating these qualities, you are influencing your team to follow suit. Do not allow yourself to act in ways you do not want them to. One of the key things people look to their leaders for is work ethic. Your team will take their cue from you, so show the same kind of work ethic you want them to have and be firm about it. When you show you are serious, you will inspire your team to do the same. Be mindful of the language and image you project because every minute of the day you communicate the kind of leader that you are and the kind of team that you want to lead.


Coach Your Team

Once you have brought in your organization the right people and you know intimately what they care about and what they want to achieve personally, it’s common best practice coaching their way towards the achievement of both personal and business goals. Very often people working for us have all the answers, but not the forma mentis to find them and understand them. The leader need to instill confidence, critical thinking and trust. Coaching has three major identities:

  • Coaching during review and planning sessions. This need to be prepared and run in one to one at least once a month. The purpose of this coaching is to help your rep reflect on his career, current performance, weaknesses to improve and strengths to exploit
  • On the job coaching: you can coach your reps before a call, during a call and after a call. Once again well selected questions do the trick most of the times together with good reflection on what how things may be perceived from an external point of view.
  • Critical conversations: even during critical conversations (career, disciplinary, expectations setting or salary) your attitude and style represents a great way of coaching your rep on non-tangible aspects such as clock speed and emotional intelligence.


Manage Team Targets

When it comes to increasing performance, it is said that only what is measured can be improved. Because of this we want to track metrics helping our reps and us to build healthy and successful habits. As an example of metrics consider the following: number of targets identified, leads qualified, pipeline velocity, conversion rate, renewal rate, sales per period, forecast and gap to forecast
Implementing these three aspects will get you well on your way to become an effective sales leader and support your reps to achieve their personal goals and success in business.



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